

Graduation Requirements

To complete the Bachelor's Program in the Electrical Engineering Study Program at Universitas Islam Indonesia and graduate with the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have completed a total of 144 credits, which includes mandatory course (129 credits) and elective course (minimum 15 credits), typically completed within eight semesters, and
  2. Have completed 60 credits of Non-Academic/Extracurricular Activities according to UII regulations.

Course Structure

Category Basic Science Electrical Engineering Core Electrical Engineering Depth Electrical Engineering Breadth General Total
Number of Courses 10 14 10 5 14 52
Number of Credits 30 37 30 15 32 144
Proportion 20.83% 25,59% 20,83% 10,42% 22,22% 100%

Courses in Each Semester

Elective Courses & Merdeka Belajar

Compulsory Religious Activities

CodeName of Students Activity (in Bahasa Indonesia)Name of Students ActivityParticipation Credits
UNI660Pendalaman Nilai Dasar IslamIslamic Basic Values Training20 skp
UNI661Pengembangan Diri Qur’aniQur’anic Personal Development Training20 skp
UNI662Pelatihan Pengembangan DiriCareer and Self Development Training5 skp
UNI663Pelatihan Kepemimpinan dan DakwahIslamic Leadership and Da’wa Training5 skp
 Aktivitas Mandiri KemahasiswaanStudent Independent Activities10 skp
 Total 60 skp

Program Magister Teknik Elektro Dibuka Tahun Ini

Program Magister Teknik Elektro dibuka pada tahun ajaran 2023/2024. Terkait informasi lebih lanjut tentang kurikulum yang ditawarkan pada program ini, anda dapat menekan tombol di bawah ini.

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