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Tim SAHIN EV dan UASC EV Elektro UII
Juara 2 PLN ICE dan Juara 1, 3 KMLI XII 2023
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Electrical Engineering Study Program

The Electrical Engineering Study Program (PSTE) was established on July 22, 1997, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 215/DIKTI/Kep/1997. Initially led by Ir. Hj. Budi Astuti, M.T., in 2017, PSTE has encompassed four fields of expertise/concentrations: Control, Telecommunications, Power, and Biomedical. In 2016, PSTE at UII received an A accreditation from BAN-PT under Decree No. 0944/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2016. This accreditation was maintained by PSTE until 2026 with the accreditation certificate BAN-PT No. 8835/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VI/2021. In the same year, PSTE was awarded an Excellent accreditation with certificate BAN-PT No. 11361/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/X/2021. Lastly, PSTE has upheld its quality as an excellent study program with international standards through accreditation from the Indonesia Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) with certificate No. 00083. A awarded on February 10, 2022.

"Relevant Courses for Current Academic Purposes and Industry Needs"


Overview of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Since its establishment on July 22, 1997, the Electrical Engineering Study Program at the Universitas Islam Indonesia has continuously undergone changes and innovations based on the advancements in electrical engineering, market demands, and regulations from institutions and the government.

The Excellent Values through Innovation for Perfection

Laboratory-Based Learning

One of the innovations in higher education systems is to provide students with new experiences in pursuing of knowledge in the field of engineering.

Diverse Research Fields

Research within the Electrical Engineering Department encompasses various areas, including industrial automation, power systems, telecommunications systems, and health/biomedical technology.


Partnership programs are established to support an educational system that accommodates industry needs, cutting-edge technology, community problem-solving solutions, and challenges in the era of globalization.

Community Services

Our contribution to society involves knowledge dissemination through training, the development of appropriate technologies, and social activities that align with our field of expertise and research.

Civitas Corner

Campus Life

Yogyakarta is known as one of the cities in Indonesia that serves as a centre for education, culture, and the arts. With a rich civilization history, Yogyakarta is renowned for its cultural centre and classical artworks. UII, the university in Yogyakarta, is honoured as a 'Green Campus,' providing a learning atmosphere closely intertwined with nature. This environment significantly supports student activities, both academically and non-academically.

Students Activities

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